For the longest time I was debating on getting another Chanel or not, I'm the type of person that cannot make up my mind when it comes to handbag, I'll bounce from one bag to another to another. Isn't it just easier if i could have it all? I think so, anyways while I was on lunch yesterday, work was sooo slow I wonder into Chanel with a guy friend of mines to get a second opinion, the selection of wallet on chains they carry at the Chanel in San Francisco is heartbreaking :( however the WOC i had been wanting for a while was just lying there so serene, I put her on and i knew she had to be mine! And 20 minutes later she was mine :)
i took her out last night while we went barhopping around geary and polk for a friends birthday, and by far the most practical bag ever! i'm in love and so the obsession continues ...