Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

to my fellow bloggers, friends, and family. May Santa bring you everything you wanted and more.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's official

I've completed all my major requirements especially IR 550. This has been the most tedious, horrific, mind boggling course ever. It started with the professor saying I had no sense of direction, and he questioned my ability whether I would be able to meet the standards of this course. Well, after my 30 minute presentation back in November, I blew him away. May I present my final thesis paper 45 pages with over 70 sources!!!

After what feels like a million nights of countless editing, drafting, and researching. I've finished!!! Get this, I turned it in well over a week before he was expecting it. I can jump for joy and relax now. I'll be getting my BA this spring. I can almost taste it. Now, I just got to get on declaring a minor.